Pada tanggal 8 November 2019, tim dosen dari Kelompok Keahlian Rekayasa Komputer di bawah Program Studi S1 Teknik Komputer, Fakultas Teknik Elektro, Telkom University mengadakan kegiatan workshop dan penyuluhan dengan Dinas Perhubungan Kabupaten Bandung sebagai salah satu realisasi program Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat. Kegiatan ini dilakukan oleh tim dosen yang diketuai oleh Dr. Yudha Purwanto dan beranggotakan Muhammad Faris Ruriawan dan Ratna Astuti Nugrahaeni.

Seiring dengan perkembangan teknologi yang ada saat ini, tugas Dinas Perhubungan pada bagian perencanaan, transportasi, keselamatan, teknis operasional, pos dan telekomunikasi tidak terbatas pada aspek fisik, tetapi juga telah menggunakan teknologi informasi. Pada Dinas Perhubungan Kabupaten Bandung, luasnya wilayah juga menyebabkan kebutuhan terhadap sistem informasi yang terhubung melalui jaringan.

Beberapa aspek tersebut menyebabkan perlunya keterampilan jaringan komputer dan teknologi informasi bagi pegawai Dinas Perhubungan Kabupaten Bandung. Keterampilan jaringan komputer dibutuhkan sebagai usaha peningkatan kemampuan pegawai Dinas Perhubungan Kabupaten Bandung dan efisiensi proses bisnis serta pengembangan Dinas Perhubungan Kabupaten Bandung Keterampilan yang dibutuhkan antara lain cara instalasi jaringan komputer, perawatan jaringan komputer, dan troubleshooting jaringan komputer.

Kegiatan ini diikuti oleh 25 pegawai DInas Perhubungan Kabupaten Bandung yang didampingi oleh asisten dari Seculab sebagai asisten pemateri. Kegiatan workshop diikuti dengan baik oleh peserta. Kegiatan yang dilakukan juga mendapat respon positif baik dari pegawai DInas Perhubungan Kabupaten Bandung sebagai peserta maupun Kepala Dinas Perhubungan Kabupaten Bandung.

Seminar Nasional Himpunan Mahasiswa Teknik Komputer 2019

Seminar nasional yang diselenggarakan oleh himpunan teknik komputer pada hari minggu 24 November 2019 di Auditorium Telkom University mendapatkan respon positif dari para pengunjung. Seminar yang mengusung tema “How to Become Young Entrepreneur Using Technology in Digital Era” mengundang para narasumber yang inspiratif. Ketiga narasumber yang mengisi acara seminar kali ini ialah dr. Tirtha Mandira Hudhi yang merupakan CEO Shoes and Care Indonesia & CMO Tukutu Indonesia ,  Aries Dwiartanto yang merupakan Product Lead at DANA Indonesia dan Alif Akbar Iskandar yang merupakan AI Scientist and Engineer at Bukalapak. Topik yang diangkat dalam seminar ialah Creative Marketing, Cashless payment , dan AI in E-commerce. Acara yang dibuka oleh Kepala Program Studi Teknik Komputer yaitu Umar Ali Ahmad , ST, MT, Phd memberikan pengalaman bagi para pengunjung untuk mengenal dunia enterepreneur.


Pada tanggal 2 November 2019 , Tim Dosen dari Kelompok Keahlian Rekayasa Komputer dibawah Program Studi S-1 Teknik Komputer Fakultas Teknik Elektro Universitas Telkom mengadakan kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat  dengan mitra MA AL MUKHLISIN Bojongsoang. Kegiatan ini mengangkat tema “Pelatihan Literasi Komputer Untuk Siswa Di MA Al Mukhlisin Bojongsoang ” dipimpin langsung oleh dosen program studi Teknik komputer  yaitu Burhanudin Dirgantoro yang beranggotakan Ashri Dinimaharawati.

MA Al Mukhlisin Bojongsoang berlokasi sangat dekat dengan kampus Universitas Telkom. Kondisi sarana dan prasarana sekolah cukup baik, dan sudah melaksanakan Ujian Negara Berbasis Komputer sendiri. Namun, dalam pelaksanaan belajar mengajar, tidak diberikan literasi Komputer, sehingga kemampuan terhadap pemanfaatan teknologi komputer cukup terbatas. Demikian juga dengan kemampuan literasi guru-gurunya yang jarang menggunakan bantuan komputer untuk mengajar dan bekerja. Sementara itu, teknologi informasi terus berkembang dan sudah selayaknya kekmampuan ini ditingkatkan pada pendidikan menengah.

Gambar 1. Lokasi MA AL Mukhlisin

Kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kepedulian civitas akademik terhadap kepekaan sosial dan pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan pada lingkungan sekitar Universitas Telkom. Sehingga tim dosen dan mahasiswa  mengadakan sebuah pelatihan literasi komputer kepada siswa MA Al Mukhlisin. Kegiatan pelatihan ini bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman pentingnya teknologi informasi kepada tenaga pengajar dan siswa di sekolah tersebut. Untuk melatih keterampilan siswa kegiatan ini memfokuskan pelatihan dalam pembuatan riwayat hidup dan surat lamaran. Karena pelatihan tersebut menjadi bekal bagi siswa untuk persiapan dalam dunia kerja.

Gambar 2. Persiapan Tim Asisten Laboratorium SEA

Gambar 3. Kondisi saat Pelatihan

Partisipasi siswa dalam kegiatan ini ialah 36 orang didampingi oleh asisten dari SEA sebagai pengajar. Pelatihan berjalan dengan baik siswa dapat mengikuti tahap demo tahap dalam pelatihan. Hasil kegiatan ini dievalusi melalu kuesioner yang diisi oleh siswa pada pelatihan Kegiatan ini mendapatkan respon positif dari siswa yang mengikuti pelatihan. Selain itu, siswa mendukung untuk diadakannya kembali kegiatan – kegiatan seperti ini. Kegiatan ditutup dengan foto bersama siswa dan pengajar.


Rencana Pembelajaran

Berikut ini gambaran rencana pembelajaran pada tiap matakuliah dilengkapi dengan deskripsi matakuliah, tujuan pembelajaran yang akan dicapai dan daftar pustaka pada tiap matakuliah.



APWiMob 2015

APWiMob is international event in Asia Pacific designed for audience working in the wireless communications and mobile technology communities. As the Asia Pacific conference focusing on wireless and mobile technologies, APWiMob is very suitable for wireless communications and mobile researchers, industry professionals, and academics interested in the latest development and design of wireless systems and mobile technologies.

Sponsored by the IEEE Communications Society Indonesia Chapter and School of Electrical Engineering Telkom University, APWiMob has a strong foundation of bringing together industry and academia. In 2015, Bandung will become the wireless foundation by hosting APWiMob 2015.

The conference will include technical sessions, tutorials, and technology and business panels. You are invited to submit papers in all areas of wireless communications and mobile technologies, networks, services, and applications, please kindly submit the papers to http://edas.info/N19107.

Potential topics include, but are not limited to:

Track 1: Fundamentals and PHY

Advanced modulation schemes
Antennas, beamforming, multi-antenna signal processing
Channel capacity estimation and equalization
Channel measurement, modeling, and characterization
Cognitive and green radio
Cooperative communications
Equalization, synchronization, channel estimation
Information-theoretic aspects of wireless communications

Interference characterization, cancellation, multiuser detection and mitigation
Iterative techniques
Modulation, coding, diversity
Multihop and cooperative communications
OFDM, CDMA, spread spectrum
Physical layer designs for WLAN, WPAN, and WBAN
Physical layer network coding and security
Power efficient communications
Propagation models for high frequency channels
RF propagation studies
Signal processing for wireless communications
Single and multi-user MIMO
Source and channel coding
Space-time coding, MIMO, adaptive antennas
Ultra-wideband and gigabit wireless communications
Vehicular communications
Wireless localization and tracking techniques

Track 2: MAC and Cross-Layer Design

Adaptability and reconfigurability
Adaptive and cognitive MACs
B3G/4G Systems, WiMAX, WLAN, WPAN
Cognitive and cooperative MAC
Collaborative algorithms
Cross-layer design, cross-layer security
Cross-layer designs involving MAC
Delay tolerant MAC designs
Implementation of testbeds and prototypes
Information-theoretical approaches to MAC designs
Joint access and backhaul scheduler designs
Joint MAC and networking layer designs
MAC for low power embedded networks
MAC for mesh, ad hoc, relay, and sensor networks
MAC for mobile and vehicular ad hoc networks
MAC in 4G and future mobile networks
Multiple access techniques
Network information theory
QoS provisioning in MAC
Radio resource management, allocation, and scheduling
Reconfigurable MACs
Routing and QoS scheduling
Scheduler for cellular macro-, pico- and femto- systems
Scheduler for cooperative systems
Scheduler for relay systems
Security issues in MAC designs
Software defined radio, RFID
Time-critical MAC designs
Wireless MAC protocols: design and analysis

Track 3: Mobile and Wireless Networks

Body area networks
Capacity, Throughput, Outage, Coverage
Cognitive radio networks
Congestion and Admission Control
Congestion, load and admission control
Dynamic spectrum management
Future wireless Internet
Green wireless networks
Internet of things
Interworking Heterogeneous Wireless/Wireline Networks
Localization for Wireless Networks
Location dependent networks
Mesh, Relay, Sensor and Ad Hoc Networks
Mobile and Wireless IP
Mobile computing
Mobility, location, and handoff management
Multi-hop and relay networks
Multimedia QoS and Traffic Management
Network architectures
Network Estimation and Processing Techniques
Performance of E2E Protocols over Wireless Networks
Proxies and Middleware for Wireless Networks
Robust routing
Satellite communications
Self-organizing networks
Smart cities and smart grids
Vehicular networks
Wireless Broadcasting, Multicasting, Geo-casting, Streaming and Routing
Wireless Network Security and Privacy
Wireless sensor networks

Track 4: Services, Applications, and Business

Aerospace, Electronic and Defence sector
Audio and video broadcast applications
Authentication, authorization and accounting
Cognitive radio and sensor-based applications
Content distribution in wireless home environment
Context and location-aware wireless services & applications
Context and location-awareness in pervasive systems
Cyber-physical systems and applications
Dynamic services, autonomic services
Emerging wireless and mobile applications
Geoscience and remote sensing and related fields
Innovative user interfaces, P2P services for multimedia
Intelligent transportation systems
Mobile multimedia services
Mobile to mobile and in-car communication networks
Next generation home networks
P2P services for multimedia
Personalization, profiles and profiling
Personalization, service discovery, profiles and profiling
Regulations, standards, spectrum management
Secure network and service access
Self-adaptation on the service layer
Service discovery and portability
Service oriented architectures, service portability and cloud computing
SIP based services, multimedia, QoS support, middleware
Test-bed and prototype implementation of wireless services
User interfaces, user-machine interactions
Wireless applications in robotics
Wireless emergency and security systems
Wireless health applications, telemedicine and e-health services

You are invited to submit papers in all areas of wireless
communications and mobile technologies, networks, services, and
applications via http://edas.info (must be registered before
submission) and to attend in order to share your research
achievements. Please submit a full paper of 4 to 6 pages to the
conference website, link:http://edas.info/N19107. Each paper must be
original and not have been published or submitted for publication
elsewhere. The deadline for submitting a paper is May 13, 2015. For
the full details of APWiMob 2015, including Call for Papers schedules,
please see our website, http://www.apwimob.org/. Contact:

Papers from the previous APWiMob 2014 have been indexed in Scopus and
published in IEEE Xplorer::



We look forward to your participation in APWiMob 2015!

Accepted and presented papers will be submitted to be published in
IEEE Xplore and indexed in Scopus

Traffic Anomaly Detection in DDoS Flooding Attack

Researches have been conducted to overcome Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) flooding attack. Beside the use of signature based detection, anomaly based detection is also used to detect the attack. Several methods such as statistic, information theory, data mining and forecasting have been proposed. In several researches, they just focused to detect the traffic anomaly, but not to recognize the types of anomaly that were detected such as flashcrowd, types of botnet, types of DDoS, and prevention action. In this paper we categorize anomaly traffic detection system based on process and capability focus. Anomaly detection system process including traffic features, preprocessing, and detection process. Capability focus based on each main research problem to be solved, there are detectingonly anomaly, types of anomaly, and prevention system that include process to overcome the attack. At the end of paper, we provide overview of research direction and opportunities that may be done in future research.

Integration of Kleptoware as Keyboard Keylogger for Input Recorder Using Teensy USB Development Board

Operating a computer to perform everyday tasks is sure to require input devices. The common human interface devices for operating a computer are mouse and keyboard. It means that modifying input devices can be alternative way to do monitoring and logging activity from a user. A keylogger is able to do such functions, but various hardware and software keylogger on the market are easily detectable either physically or by antivirus software. Those limitations can be avoided by hiding a keylogger directly into the keyboard. This key logger is implemented using Teensy 2.0 USB development board, which differs between the PS/2 and USB variant. Results of analysis shows that the keylogger in undetectable physically and works correctly just like any normal keyboard. The drawbacks are reduced performance as in increasing delay between held keystrokes, key ghosting and key jamming.


Information security has become an important issue in data communications. One method to ensure the security of data is to use cryptographic method. Cryptography is a method to encode the information to keep the information from being hacked by the other party. The implementation of cryptography is used a significant amount of computer resources. Various range application of blowfish algorithm can be implemented for data encryption sent from an Internet of Things physical network which have IP-based data. In this research, blowfish algorithm is implemented on FPGA using VHDL programming language, and monitored the number of FPGA resource that is used. The blowfish algorithm is analyzed by computing certain metrics performances such as security, encryption time, avalanche effect, and throughput from multiple testing scenarios for system reliability. The testing showed that blowfish algorithm gave a good performance when implemented in FPGA and show a good alternative to proposed as network security on Internet of Things.

Analysing Kleptodata Process on Android Operating System

“The popularity of Android smartphones has increased the number of security threats. One of the security threats is data theft. This study implemented and analyzed the data theft (kleptodata) process on Android operating system. To help the research we built a system that exploits several Android features. An already installed Android application can get the permission to download and install another application. Then the downloaded application may run in the background. The other feature exploited is the permission-based security system on Android, where the user was unable to review the permissions asked by application. The user may accept or ignore all of the permission asked. We also incorporated the inter-application communication features on Android, to split the applications used into two different applications, making it harder to detect the system as malicious application. The results found is that the malware application used is capable to perform kleptodata attack, with the SMS logs being sent into server. As the time of testing in May 2014, several commonly used antivirus on the Market still unable to detect the application used to help the process as malicious, since it wasn’t matched with any previous malwares’ signature.”

Mata Kuliah Paket Angkatan 2013

Mata kuliah paket utk semester 4 utk angkatan SK-37 (angkatan 2013) sem. Genap 2014-2014 adalah :
1. FEG2F4 Elektronika I 4 sks
2. FEG2G3 Jaringan Komputer dan Data 3 sks
3. CEG221 Praktikum Sistem Komputer I ( Elka I, Jarkom, RangLog ) 1 sks
4. MUG2A3 Matematika Diskret 3 sks
5. CEG2B3 Rangkaian Logika 3 sks
6. BUG1E2 Bahasa Inggris II 2 sks
7. CEG2C3 Dasar Perancangan Perangkat Lunak 3 sks
8. HUG2A2 Geladi 2 sks

Jumlah sks Semester 4 21 sks

Kaprodi SK